'Cherishers!' is a Non- Profit organisation that solely operates to provide sustainable employment and Social Care services to our community.

Funding Home Care Funding Home Care

Funding Home Care

There are a number of ways to fund your home care – you may be eligible for financial support from your local council or you may want to fund it yourself. Whatever your circumstances, we can help work out the best way forward for you.

Being a Community Interest Company that is not for profit our charges are competitive and provide excellent value for the quality of services we deliver.

We can adapt the home care visits to suit your needs, starting from 30 minutes for non-personal care, right up to 24 hour live-in care. If you need more complex care for example, and need a hoist to help you out of bed in the morning, you will need two carers per visit and we can arrange this too.


Local Authority Funded Care – Means Tested

If you are entitled to state-funded home care services, you will need to tell your local Council yourself or through your family, friends or a healthcare professional, such as your GP, that you need care. Your Council will then carry out a Needs Assessment to check your eligibility for care, as well as the type and amount of support that you need.

These results, plus a financial assessment, will then answer whether you are eligible for full or partial funded home care.

Local Authority Funded Care – Personal Budgets/Direct Payments

When you qualify for state-funding, the Council can either organise a care plan and funding for you or give you a personal budget – a sum of money that covers the cost of your home care so that you can choose a supplier yourself.

Personal budgets put you in control of your care, as you can then choose from a range of home care companies and have more flexibility over how your care is delivered.

Cherishers Home care can help you and your family through this maze and will work with you and the Council to get the best outcome for you.

Cost Of Home Care Services – Private Funded Care

If you are not entitled to state-funding or you wish to supplement the care that you receive from the Council, you can also pay for care directly as a private customer. We are always on hand to help you understand the process and will work with you or your loved ones to make the right choices.

Your plan

Our expert carers deliver positive, quality care that is compassionate and gentle and which belongs to you.

We start by meeting you at home to chat through your situation. We follow that with a Care Plan that covers your needs and how you wish to be cared for. Together, we review it frequently to check it still works for you.

We can visit home care customers once a day or several times. We can pop in for 30 or 45 minutes, or stay for an hour or longer. We can support you seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Your Right to Respect, your privacy, dignity, independence and security are always top of our list. So our carers:

  • Are welcomed by you and never intrude
  • Preserve your self-respect
  • Give you space to be yourself
  • Keep you safe when you need them to

We support you to make life easier.

We are a Living Wage Employer Icon
We are a Living Wage Employer
We are a Disability Confident Employer  Icon
We are a Disability Confident Employer
We are an Age-Friendly Employer Icon
We are an Age-Friendly Employer
As a CIC all our profits are used for social projects within our community Icon
As a CIC all our profits are used for social projects within our community
All our staff & volunteers are DBS vetted, insured & highly trained Icon
All our staff & volunteers are DBS vetted, insured & highly trained
We are a CQC Regulated home care provider Icon
We are a CQC Regulated home care provider